여행정보 : Gapyeong city tour(加平旅行)

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Gapyeong city tour(加平旅行)

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Where every step of the way becomes a scenery!
The best place of rest in Korea!
With beautiful harmonious natural landscape of clean water and tall mountains Gapyeong has led the tourism industry, the most representative industry for the 21st century.
In addition, Gapyeong is a city of music where the Jarasum International Jazz Festival, Korea's best festival and the only designated music festival by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, is hosted.
Gapyeong, the cultural arts city possessing beautiful nature and music, is a small city with a population of 63 thousand, but with the total area that is 1.4 times the size of the city of Seoul, it is a region with infinite potential for development.
We hope that you continue to monitor with interest, the development of Gapyeong, and provide us with your opinion for further local development.
We, at Gapyeong County, will treasure all relationships.

加平被山清水秀的美景所围绕, 秀丽的自然景观让加平成为了21世纪的代表产业——观光产业的领头羊。
此外,这里有唯一被文化体育观光部指定的音乐庆典, 是举办韩国最佳庆典——甲鱼岛国际爵士音乐节的音乐城市。
拥有美丽的自然和音乐这一文化艺术的加平 虽然是只有6万3千人口的小城市,但是其面积是首尔市的1.4倍, 可以说是一个拥有无限发展潜力的地区。
请期待加平郡的成长, 为地区的发展而提出宝贵意见, 我们将努力成为珍惜每一个缘分的加平郡。 



Culture, Market > Sightseeing(旅游)




181 Seokbong-ro, Gapyeong-eup, Gapyeong-gun, Gyenggi-do

Tourist information City Tour Bus Stop: Next to bus stop at Gapyeong station
观光服务所 站 点 : 加平站广场公交车站点旁

1. Gapyeong station(加平站)
2. Jaraseom Island (甲鱼岛)
3. Rail bike(铁路自行车)
4. Namiseom Island(南怡岛)
5. Petite France(小法兰西)
6. Cheongpyeong Station(清平站)
7. The Garden of Morningcalm(晨静园艺树木园)



  • Jade Garden
  • Jaraseom Island
  • Local food
  • Namiseom Island
  • Petite France
  • Rail bike
  • Service Hour Table
  • The Garden of Morningcalm


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