송지호해변 도보10초 거리에 위치한 SURF61 서퍼들이 편안하고 재밌게 놀 수 있는 공간으로 100%라이딩 성공보장! 몸만 오면되는 편안한 패키지로 다양하게 준비했어요 슈트&보드 렌탈 / 강습 / 온수샤워 모든걸 SURF61에서 즐기자 서핑을 즐기는 낮에는 커피한잔의 ... More
송지호해변 도보10초 거리에 위치한 SURF61 서퍼들이 편안하고 재밌게 놀 수 있는 공간으로 100%라이딩 성공보장! 몸만 오면되는 편안한 패키지로 다양하게 준비했어요 슈트&보드 렌탈 / 강습 / 온수샤워 모든걸 SURF61에서 즐기자 서핑을 즐기는 낮에는 커피한잔의 여유를, 서핑이 끝난 밤에는 다양한 수입맥주와 함께 DJ힙파티를 즐길 수 있는 시간 한 여름밤을 즐길 수 있는 쿨한 핫플레스 SURF61로 여러분들을 초대 합니다
Suit & Board Rental / Lecture / Hot Water Shower Let's enjoy everything at SURF61. We invite you to enjoy a cup of coffee during the day, a time to enjoy DJ hip-hop with various imported beers at night, at the time of surfing, at the time of summer at SURF61.
Located at 9.81 PARK Jeju
Name: LAB981 / Floor: B2 CENTRAL
Game Kiosks available: Candy Slash Action Racing, Sling Shot, Pitching, Archery, Shootin ... More
Located at 9.81 PARK Jeju
Name: LAB981 / Floor: B2 CENTRAL
Game Kiosks available: Candy Slash Action Racing, Sling Shot, Pitching, Archery, Shooting Clay, Shooting FPS, Bowling, Horse-riding, Curling, Ping Pong, Soccer, Basketball, and Pinball.
more importantly have some new fun!
Address: 880-24 Cheondeok-ro, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea.
Website: http://www.981park.com/lab981/
Drive down the Pyeonghwa-ro (local road # 1135) and exit on Eoum-1 intersection. Turn right after getting off the intersection, and drive down Cheondeok-ro about 1 km until you see the sign at the entrance. It takes about 30 minutes either from the airport or the Jungmun Tourism Complex.
If you are coming from Jeju-si (or Seogwipo-si), take the blue bus 282, 251, 252, 253, 254 to Seogwipo (or to Jeju-si) direction and get off at Kookhakwon station. Walk down Cheondeok-ro for about 15 minutes to get to the park entrance.
There will be 9.81 shuttle buses running to and from the airport. Please check the schedule of two service routes that are currently available.
Address: 611, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Web site: http://www.legendheroes.co.kr
Jungangno Station (Line 1), Exit 3, roughly 5 min. away on foot.
Need a place to relieve your stress? While most in this city rely on the nightly soju shots or Friday-night clubbing, there are also sporty games that ... More
Need a place to relieve your stress? While most in this city rely on the nightly soju shots or Friday-night clubbing, there are also sporty games that will keep you sane. Located in Sinchon’s university district, Strike-pang arcade offers a variety of sports related games including a shooting range, basketball, darts, racing, claw machines and punching games among others. After selecting a game, purchase your tickets at the designated vending machines and use the barcode scanner to scan your ticket to begin the game (you can use a credit card as well). The basement arcade is actually quite new and spacious, with all the machines and games well spread out.
0 Comments 2025-02-03 13:46:33
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