It is a Japanese ramen restaurant located in Misadong, Hanam. It's a good place to eat alone, and if you want to taste Japanese traditional ramen, you ... More
It is a Japanese ramen restaurant located in Misadong, Hanam. It's a good place to eat alone, and if you want to taste Japanese traditional ramen, you can visit.
You can enjoy seafood such as lobster, raw fish, and shrimp while looking at Songdo sea view. If you order 3-tier or 4-tier grilled clams, you can eat ... More
You can enjoy seafood such as lobster, raw fish, and shrimp while looking at Songdo sea view. If you order 3-tier or 4-tier grilled clams, you can eat red crab ramen for free.
1st floor, 11-20, Sinheung-ro 26-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Business hour -
They open it after announcing on Instagram. It's not open every day, it's mainly open on weekends. Please make a text reservation after checking Instagram.
- Directions -
Noksapyeong station(Line 6) Exit no.2
Go straight from Noksapyeong station and take the bus No. 2 under Hanshin apartment, get off at Sinheung church, and walk 1 minute.
똣똣라면 is a recently opened store.
It opened through a broadcast called 골목식당 and is currently evaluated as a popular restaurant.
똣똣 means warm. ... More
똣똣라면 is a recently opened store.
It opened through a broadcast called 골목식당 and is currently evaluated as a popular restaurant.
똣똣 means warm.
Roly-poly-cotto developed the planning and spatial design, as well as product and graphic design for ottogi’s curry and ramen restaurant. the 1015 m2 ... More
Roly-poly-cotto developed the planning and spatial design, as well as product and graphic design for ottogi’s curry and ramen restaurant. the 1015 m2 ‘roly-poly cotto’ is a multifunctional building that includes six distinct zones, as well as a large open garden in the back. the entire construction is wrapped in red brick, while textured surfaces, such as the yellow façade of perforated metal disks or the fluorescent ceramics, add a playful layer to the project.
Yunochubo has opened by Chef You Hee-young, who is famous for Japanese fusion cuisine. He reinterprets a variety of Japanese traditional dishes such a ... More
Yunochubo has opened by Chef You Hee-young, who is famous for Japanese fusion cuisine. He reinterprets a variety of Japanese traditional dishes such as Japanese-style tonkatsu (breaded pork cutlet), and tonkatsu ramen noodles. Portions are generous and prices are reasonable.
Seomoreum seafood ramen restaurant Located in Jeju Island.
If you visit Korea, visit Seomoreum seafood ramen restaurant in Jeju island.
You will rem ... More
Seomoreum seafood ramen restaurant Located in Jeju Island.
If you visit Korea, visit Seomoreum seafood ramen restaurant in Jeju island.
You will reminisce about your trip to Jeju and the amazing Seafood Ramen that you had by the shore. It was packed to the brim with scallops, crabs, abalone and ... even octopus!
전국 최대규모의 클라이밍(볼더링)짐
국내 최고의 강사진이 여러분께 클라이밍을 소개하고 있습니다.
클라이밍이 처음이라면, 더클라임에서 지금 바로 시작해보세요!
The Climb is the largest gym in Asia, including Korea.
... More
전국 최대규모의 클라이밍(볼더링)짐
국내 최고의 강사진이 여러분께 클라이밍을 소개하고 있습니다.
클라이밍이 처음이라면, 더클라임에서 지금 바로 시작해보세요!
The Climb is the largest gym in Asia, including Korea.
Easy and fun place to be, even for newbies.
You can visit all three branches with one membership.
You can take classes from master instructor who specialized in climbing.
Also, there are instructors from the Korean national team.
We are setting new bouldering problems every week.
Chanllenge new climbs every week.
Tongin Sweet, a popular egg tart restaurant
It's one of the places that anyone who really likes egg tarts should eat.
에그타르트 맛집으로 인기 있는 통인스윗
에그타르트 ... More
Tongin Sweet, a popular egg tart restaurant
It's one of the places that anyone who really likes egg tarts should eat.
에그타르트 맛집으로 인기 있는 통인스윗
에그타르트를 정말 좋아하는 사람이라면 먹어보아야할 곳 중 하나이다
입구에서부터 노릇노릇 갓 구운 에그타르트의 향이 느껴진다
통인스윗은 테이크아웃만 가능한 곳이기에 앉아서 먹고 싶다면 새로 오픈한 2호점에서 커피와 함께 카페처럼 이용이 가능하다
유명한 연예인들의 사인이 벽면에 한가득 걸려있을 정도로 인기 있는 맛집
청담동에서 24시간 영업 중인 한식당입니다. 메뉴는 유기농 재료로 담근 김치와 고기, 두부 등의 재료를 넣고 테이블 위에서 직접 끓여먹는 김치찌개 하나뿐인데요, 고기와 라면 사리를 취향에 따라 추가해서 먹을 수도 있지요. ... More
청담동에서 24시간 영업 중인 한식당입니다. 메뉴는 유기농 재료로 담근 김치와 고기, 두부 등의 재료를 넣고 테이블 위에서 직접 끓여먹는 김치찌개 하나뿐인데요, 고기와 라면 사리를 취향에 따라 추가해서 먹을 수도 있지요.
0 Comments 2025-03-11 15:33:39
0 Comments 2025-02-03 13:46:33