There are valleys and swimming pools nearby, making it a good place to play in the water & relax and you can bring your pet with you. ... More
There are valleys and swimming pools nearby, making it a good place to play in the water & relax and you can bring your pet with you.
Only for women guesthouse "Pook" is located at Kim Gwang-Seok Street in Daegu.
If two people want to stay a room, Pook guesthouse recommends Room no. ... More
Only for women guesthouse "Pook" is located at Kim Gwang-Seok Street in Daegu.
If two people want to stay a room, Pook guesthouse recommends Room no.1 because Room no.1 is smaller than room no.2 and more cozy feeling.
-조식 : 식빵.우유.시리얼.커피.쨈
-토스트기, 전기포트기, 공용전자레인지,에어컨, 냉장고
-욕실=드라이기(샴푸,린스,바디워시-스폰지,치약, 칫솔)
-수건= 1인당 한장씩 제공 합니다.
대구광역시 중구 동덕로8길 26-17 (대봉동) 
Address: 26-17, Dongdeok-ro 8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Web site:
Kyungdae Hospital Station (Line 2), Exit 3, roughly 3 min. away on foot.
3D Piano, fountain of five colors, doctor fish for foot-bath each room, Aquarium onthe glass floor, fire-place, swimming pool in all rooms and Pulvene ... More
3D Piano, fountain of five colors, doctor fish for foot-bath each room, Aquarium onthe glass floor, fire-place, swimming pool in all rooms and Pulvenechia(Water Screen, Tunnel Type Fountain, Rainbow Water Bridge) we set it up all by our technology and experience
ㅡ무료 이용ㅡ
전 객실 실내 수영장, 제트스파에 온수를 무제한 무료로 제공
노래방3실,스크린골프장,포켓볼장,썬텐실,뷰티삽 등 무료 이용 시설과 그동안펜션이용시 불편하셨던 석식(햇반및김치외밑반찬1), 조식, 간식, 음료(생수외), 각종양념(쌈장,마늘,고추등18종구비) 등의 서비스를 일체의 추가비용 없이 고객님들에게 제공하고 있습니다.
0 Comments 2025-01-13 14:22:53
0 Comments 2022-08-22 17:28:54