It's the same comfortable day from any other day.
It's a special day from any other day.
To make great memories with precious people,
It is opera ... More
It's the same comfortable day from any other day.
It's a special day from any other day.
To make great memories with precious people,
It is operated as a private pension that is not disturbed by anyone.
The main house in the form of a country house with a mint roof has a living room, a bedroom, and a kitchen.
In a modern annex located next to it, there is a large bathtub where you can take a lower-body bath, a sunroom, and a deck.
I hope you have a fairy tale-like day in a space where the comfort of old things and modern convenience coexist.
Please come and visit our pension at times when you want to grant yourself a refreshing place to get out of the endlessly repeating daily routines.
... More
Please come and visit our pension at times when you want to grant yourself a refreshing place to get out of the endlessly repeating daily routines.
맑고 깨끗한 자연 속, 은은한 음악이 흐르는 노천카페에 앉아
귓가에 들려오는 계곡의 물소리와 귀뚜라미의 노랫소리를 들으며,
사랑하는 이들과 아름다운 삶의 진지한 대화를 나누며
함께 마시는 시원한 생맥주 한 잔의 여유...
사랑하는 연인과 둘만의 시간을 지내기에도,
아끼는 학교 선.후배, 직장 동료들과 함께 단체행사를 치루기에도
부족함이 없는 실내외 시설을 구비하고 있는
강촌 최대 규모의 리조트급 펜션 스.타.밸.리
영원히 잊혀지지 않을 행복한 추억의 자리에 함께이고 싶습니다.
3D Piano, fountain of five colors, doctor fish for foot-bath each room, Aquarium onthe glass floor, fire-place, swimming pool in all rooms and Pulvene ... More
3D Piano, fountain of five colors, doctor fish for foot-bath each room, Aquarium onthe glass floor, fire-place, swimming pool in all rooms and Pulvenechia(Water Screen, Tunnel Type Fountain, Rainbow Water Bridge) we set it up all by our technology and experience
ㅡ무료 이용ㅡ
전 객실 실내 수영장, 제트스파에 온수를 무제한 무료로 제공
노래방3실,스크린골프장,포켓볼장,썬텐실,뷰티삽 등 무료 이용 시설과 그동안펜션이용시 불편하셨던 석식(햇반및김치외밑반찬1), 조식, 간식, 음료(생수외), 각종양념(쌈장,마늘,고추등18종구비) 등의 서비스를 일체의 추가비용 없이 고객님들에게 제공하고 있습니다.
0 Comments 2024-11-20 13:57:42
0 Comments 2024-11-19 14:05:33