Jirisan Mountain, designated as the first national park in 1967, is a mountainous national park with the largest area of 483.022㎢ across three provinc ... More
Jirisan Mountain, designated as the first national park in 1967, is a mountainous national park with the largest area of 483.022㎢ across three provinces and five cities and counties: Hadong, Hamyang, Sancheong of Gyengnam, Gurye of Jeonnam, and Namwon of Jeonbuk.
In Jirisan Mountain, which has a circumference of 320km, countless peaks spread out like folding screens around Cheonwangbong (1,915m), Banyabong (1,732m), and Nogodan (1,507m), and valleys are located between 20 ridges.
It's the same comfortable day from any other day.
It's a special day from any other day.
To make great memories with precious people,
It is opera ... More
It's the same comfortable day from any other day.
It's a special day from any other day.
To make great memories with precious people,
It is operated as a private pension that is not disturbed by anyone.
The main house in the form of a country house with a mint roof has a living room, a bedroom, and a kitchen.
In a modern annex located next to it, there is a large bathtub where you can take a lower-body bath, a sunroom, and a deck.
I hope you have a fairy tale-like day in a space where the comfort of old things and modern convenience coexist.
넘실대는 남도의 푸른 바다 위로 붉은 해가 솟아오르면 어김없이 작은 어선을 타고 고기잡이를 나가시는 아버지, 어머니. 사계절 거센 해풍을 맞으면 정성껏 잡아낸 그 귀한 재료에 어머니께 전수받은 남도의 맛을 그대로 담아냅니다.
전남 고흥 어부의 아들과 딸이 남도의 맛 ... More
넘실대는 남도의 푸른 바다 위로 붉은 해가 솟아오르면 어김없이 작은 어선을 타고 고기잡이를 나가시는 아버지, 어머니. 사계절 거센 해풍을 맞으면 정성껏 잡아낸 그 귀한 재료에 어머니께 전수받은 남도의 맛을 그대로 담아냅니다.
전남 고흥 어부의 아들과 딸이 남도의 맛을 제대로 올립니다.
진한 남도의 맛, 기막힌 술상에 술술 넘어가는 술. 남도술상! 절대불변의 법칙!
시간이 흘러도 세대가 바뀌어도 고향의 맛에 대한 향수는 변하지 않습니다.
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